SAP Sales Order Scheduling的两种方式:

在Forward Scheduling的时候,如果Transportation Lead Time大于Pick/Pack Time,那么系统会根据Transportation Lead Time先计算出Loading Time,然后再用这个Loading Time-Pick/Pack Time=Materila Available Time. 所以Forward Scheduling时Transportation Lead Time大于Pick/Pack Time的情况下,即便当下Material是Available的,Materila Available Time也不是当天。

对于Transportation Lead Time也是一样,如果Transportation Lead Time小于Pick/Pack Time,那么系统会基于Materila Available Time先计算Loading Time,然后Loading Time-Transportation Lead Time=Transportation Planning date



在Shipping Point中维护Loading time&Pick/pack time

在Shipping Point中不维护Loading time&Pick/pack time,使用Route设置

Factory Calendar at routes and shipping point

Source: factory Calendar at routes and shipping point

The factory calendar which we assign at routes will influnce the dates in sales order. The time’s ( Transit time , transportation lead time ) mainatined with route, will get influenced with the calender assigend to the route . Table (TVRO) .

If factotry calendar is not mainatained int he route , then shipping point calendar will be considered

If both are mainatined and they are different , the route calender will influnce on the times/ days mainatined in config(TVRO) remaning dates will be influenced by shipping point calendar

Requested delivery date is influnced by customer calendar

Factory calender at Customer Master

Source: Factory calender

So, you can NOT make factory calender for individual customer or client.

You can maintain Factory calender through SCAL or OVR3 as already suggested earlier also.

Factory calender is used to determine goods receiving hour and date. We assign the calender in General data >Unloading point tab, of the Customer master data of Ship-to-party.

Factory calender is also used for Periodic billing. In this case, we assign the Factory calender to the Customer master of the Payer in the Sale area data > Billing document tab , in the “Invoicing date” field.

Factory calender is also used for sending the “Invoice list” to the Head-office (Payer) for all its branches(Sold-to-parties) at regular interval. In this case, we assign the appropriate Factory calender to the Customer master of the Payer(Head-office) in the Sales area data > Billing document tab, in “Invoicing List Dates” field.

We also assign Factory calender in the Shipping point, which is used for calculating Pick/pack time and Loading time.

Also, we assign the Factory calender to the Route, which is used to calculate the Transit time for the Route.

So, if you will maintain Factory calender for individual client/customer then it will not match with other Client/customer and ultimately it will lead to business problems.

Therefore, Factory calender is Client-independent.


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