OBYC中的Transaction Key
OBYC中的Transaction Key的详解。
- UMB – 库存重估(MR21, MR22,重新发布价格等)
PRD-PRA – 其他库存移动引起的价格差异(比如561时指定库存价值与未来评估价值不符) - 确认一个移动类型可以被用在哪些Transaction,用在这些Transaction时,科目是怎样的一个走向,可以用下边两个事务代码结合起来查看。
1) T Code – OMJJ, Mvt. type 101
Select “update control / WM movement types”
Choose your combination of Q/V update, Double click this.
You will get screen with value string…click on on “detail icon” in front of value string.
You will get list of transaction event keys.
2)T Code OMWB
Click on Simulation tab.
Enter plant & material and movement type.
Choose option GR goods receipt. Click on account assignment.
You will get the list of posting line text from whic you can find transaction event key.
Thanks for useful file.. I just used google translator to understand your information..
other useful SAP site you should visit is http://www.sap-exp.com. There are a lot information there