SAP中“单位”相关的设定(Unit of measure related setting in SAP)
单位的增、改、删可以通过Transaction Code:CUNI来完成。
其次要设置各项参数。其中有一个参数叫ISO Code,在这里你可以分配一个ISO Code给将要创建的单位。这个Code的具体作用,可参加下边的SAP帮助文档。
ISO code for unit of measurement
ISO code for measurement units. An ISO code can be assigned to several
internal measurement units.
The ISO code is important for EDI. It is used to convert the internal
SAP measurement units into standard measurement units. Data exchange via
EDI requires internal measurement units to be converted into standard
measurement units.
A list of the current internationally agreed ISO codes can be ordered
from the UN commission responsible (WP.4 Trade Facilitation
Recommendations, Recommendation 20):
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Information Office
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva
phone: +4122 917 2893
fax: +4122 917 0036
or it can be consulted directly via internet:
For additional information see OSS note 69063.
从上边的帮助文档中可以看出,这个ISO Code主要作用是在进行不同系统间的EDI数据交换时,进行单位转换的一个标准。
在EDI中使用ISO Code进行转换,下边可能是会遇到的问题之一,由于Unit和ISO Code之前的分配关系所导致,供参考。
System response
You can assign the same ISO code to two different measurement units with the same dimension, but this can lead to EDI problems later. EDI uses the ISO codes as measurement unit key. If the same ISO code is maintained for several measurement units, a different measurement unit can be assigned to the ISO code measurement unit in the target system as in the source system.
In addition, a unique assignment of the ISO code to a measurement unit is a prerequisite for using the Mobile DSD solution.
Try to keep measurement unit <-> ISO code assignments unique.